FISD Med Term: Chp 1 Quiz C (2020-2021)
- Due No due date
- Points 100
- Questions 20
- Time Limit 18 Minutes
Read the questions carefully.
This quiz is timed (30 minutes) and you have ONE attempt.
You are getting extra time (50 % more than other students) to complete the quiz
This is NOT an open book quiz!!!
Use the honor system because you are not to be using notes or devices.
(Remember your student code of conduct!- infractions will be documented)
*Do NOT share the password of this version with others.It will be considered cheating.
It must be completed by the due date in order to receive full credit.
*If you need oral administration of this quiz, please do NOT start it until you contact Mrs. T for the link/password to the video that will read the quiz to you. Feel free to pause and rewind the video as needed. If you already have software (or have a family member that will read it to you), please let the teacher know so that we can make sure you are getting all the resources you need.